'Seeing Is Believing'- keeping in terms with this philosophy, the Mira Road branch of Euro kids International, organizes Jungle Safari every year.

Our curriculum talks about animals living in extreme climate, the marsupial animals, endangered animals,the nocturnal animals as well as the animals which lived many years ago, but due to their inability to adapt to the changes in their environment have become extinct.
Our belief that, physical and concrete evidences are more convincing to the children, makes us strive to make learning fun by making every possible arrangement to bring the animals and their habitat just a few footsteps away from your child.

Our curriculum talks about animals living in extreme climate, the marsupial animals, endangered animals,the nocturnal animals as well as the animals which lived many years ago, but due to their inability to adapt to the changes in their environment have become extinct.
The school premises is transformed into habitat of different animals. The teachers put in their best efforts to set an ambiance which will help the children to understand the concepts much better while enjoying their mini-expedition!
Jungle Safari, World Of Sea, Mock Farm and the new added attractions of Polar Animals,Desert animals and Extinct animals will surely excite the children and the other visitors.It is not feasible to take children to the natural environment of most of these animals.
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